Business Referrers

Wellness Transition

Personal Trainer Melbourne
Personal Trainer Melbourne

Business Contact Details:

  • Contact Number: 0409 284 775
  • Email address:
  • Website URL:

Business Description:

Teresa Brandau-Stranks is a qualified and experienced Personal
Trainer, Fitness Instructor
and Yoga Teacher.  Teresa has had her own transformation over
the last 5 years being able to shed weight and become fitter and healthier
through strength training, cardio and also eating more plant based and
vegetarian foods.   


Teresa is now working with her clients outdoors or in their
homes and offers a mobile personal training and walking buddy service to women
and men of all ages in many suburbs of Melbourne.  Teresa’s training and mentoring includes a
personalised program for your needs as everyone has different goals for their
fitness depending on their lifestyle. Yoga is also incorporated into her
training sessions for the stretching and mindfulness benefits, and she runs Yoga
programs in community house and on Zoom.

 Stretching and moving on a daily basis is the key to health and fitness and Teresa has some great strategies for getting you started or recommencing your exercise regime.  A combination of exercise but most importantly our nutrition are how we balance also our goals are so important for our overall health and fitness into the future.     


How Business Creates Value:

I am my client’s accountability personal trainer and ensure that they are working towards their goals by consistently showing up and putting in 100% effort.  This is not always possible so I am there to assist them with any barriers, concerns, injuries or roadblocks to their training success.  The benefits I bring are my personal training expertise, energy and motivation, a holistic approach to their training and of course friendship.

How Member Creates Value:

Teresa is dedicated to her professional development and as a qualified personal trainer and yoga teacher is a member of AusActive and the Yoga Association or Australia and Yoga International. This ensures that she is up to date with the latest trends, solutions and training available to pass on to her clients.  Teresa has upskilled as a Punchfit Boxing Class Facilitator, Restorative Yoga Teacher, Yin Yoga Teacher and Seniors Fitness & Yoga Teacher. 

Power Partners:

Teresa’s clients are 40+ women and men that are looking at making some healthy changes in their lives by exercising, gaining strength and moving their bodies.  Teresa is open to running more exercise classes in Neighbour and community houses and would welcome those referrals. 

Power Partners would be anyone including physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, health coaches, workplaces that are passionate about their employee’s health and fitness.

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